Please see the program for The 18th Regional Innovation Policies Conference here (click)

Information about Call for papers (inactive by June 10th)

We welcome abstract submissions related to regional innovation policy, in relation, but not limited, to the following themes:

  • The dark side of innovation
  • Contested sustainable development (social, economic, environmental) and shrinking societies
  • Political leadership in economic geography
  • The normative turn of innovation studies
  • Geography of innovation and the reconfiguration of global production networks
  • The role of platform economy and digitalization in different regional contexts
  • Innovation in time of poly-crisis: do they represent windows of opportunity?
  • Innovation and firm performance in the Norwegian context
  • Place sensitive innovation policies: consequences, implications and future perspectives

We welcome theoretical, empirical, conceptual and methodological contributions from scholars, policymakers and practitioners who aim to develop innovative approaches, provide relevant findings and suggest possible future strategies to tackle the key topic of regional development in a globalized and ever changing world.

Regular and special sessions

At the 18th Regional Innovation Policies Conference 2024 you are welcome to choose between submissions to:

  • Regular paper sessions
  • Special sessions

The special sessions: They are proposed and planned by a special session organizer. The special session organizer will decide how the session is organized and the time allotment for each presentation. The organizer of the special session submit a proposal by April 30 with a plan for the session including:

  1. The title of the special session,
  2. An abstract describing the entire special session (Max 200 words),
  3. The names of confirmed and possible contributors and titles of their presentations.

 Submission Guidelines

  • Extended abstract should contain a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1.500 words. Extended abstracts can contain figures, tables and/or images, which are not included in the word count.
  • Abstract submission deadline May 29th 2024